We now present the most represntative trolls of our story, the protagonists.


With her 2918 tweets, she can be considered as our most active character on social media. The subjects she deals with are innumerable, ranging from contemporary problems (such as pollution) to scandals (arms sales) and opposition to political actions. Most of the politicians sooner or later become the target of her critics, although she seems to be quite in agreement with DiMaio’s policies, the leader of the M5S (see the tweet about basic income below). Indeed, from the geographical analysis we will present in the next section, we can see that this character wrote tweets mentioning regions of Southern Italy, where the Five-Star Movement coalition won by a landslide.

The tweets

Let’s take a closer look at some of the Lorena’s tweets.


With 1656 tweets, VITTOREGUIDI is another important character. His tweets are fewer than Lorena’s ones, but spread over a longer period. Again we can find social and political problems as main themes. He attacks both left party and Five-Star Movement, stressing issues related to migration: this is coherent with League ideas. Indeed, from the geographical analysis we will see that VITTOREGUIDI wrote tweets mention North and Central Italy regions, where the League (right) party obtained large fractions of the votes.

The tweets

Let’s take a closer look at some of the Guidi’s tweets.


GATTISILGATTI is definitely the most relevant character in terms of variety of topics. He does not seem to support a particular party, but his tweets tackle most of the contemporary issue. His tweets range from corruption to terrorism, from politics to social problems, and in the selected ones he pronounces himself against the grillini (members of M5S) and Salvini.

The tweets

Let’s take a closer look at some of the Gattisilgatti’s tweets.